Management Overview

OHS revolves around Locations, and you use the OHS Management area to add or edit Location details.

In the OH&S node, navigate to Management sub-node and then to the required location (as described in Navigation). This will display a pane on the right with all the information associated with the selected location. Note that the structure here is the same as the OH&S Locations structure. That’s because OH&S Locations uses the structure created in OH&S Management.

There will be existing locations listed, as this will have been part of the implementation. Use the navigation options to open the Management window with all the details of the selected location.

Note that when you add a new location it cannot be deleted. Even if you delete the entry from the Management window, the location will remain in the Locations Validation Table. Therefore you must be certain of the details you are adding. You may wish to contact HR3 Support prior to adding Locations.

If you need to add a new Location, click Add New while on the Management node:

The Add New button within the Management window


Alternatively, you can view a location using the navigation options.


Both methods open the Management Details window with various information tabs:

The blank Management Window


In these tabs you may add information associated with the new location, or review/edit information for an existing location.


Further information:

Management Window - Tabs